About Bridget

Bridget Messi

Bridget is the author of the young adult fantasy novel Red Siren. Bridget currently lives in the midwest with her dog and can be found watching way too many movies when not writing her novels or short stories.

We recently sat down with Bridget and asked her the most common questions sent in from her readers. Enjoy!


How many books are in the Red Siren Series?

I am currently hard at work on the second novel (title coming soon) and as for future installments, you will have to wait and see!


Where do you get your ideas from?

All over the place! I love to travel. It inspires me by hearing stories and legends of the country or area I am currently visiting along with seeing the sweeping landscapes and glorious architecture. I take nuggets of what I learn while visiting and try to incorporate them into my stories in order to make them more enriching for the readers. I try to make it all fit into my writing. I also draw inspiration from art and music. I love to walk around museums and daydream about what was happening in the paintings or the lives of the people in them. History is also a passion of mine and I watch way too many documentaries.

(Right—Bridget on her latest adventure overseas to London, England.)


How long does it take to write a book?

Writing looks different for everyone, but for me, I usually start drafting a book by creating a solid outline of each scene I want to write and where it goes. I usually write this out on note cards and go through them as I write. This part can take me anywhere from 3-12 months. After I have this first draft finished I go into revisions—which is fleshing out the story by giving it more ‘muscle’ I’ll say. Once this is done, I send it out to my editor for a few rounds of edits (which usually takes a few months) before sending it off to the printer.


(Bridget signing her first copy of her debut novel Red Siren)

When did you decide to become a writer?

I guess I originally got the writing kick when I was in fifth grade and wrote a story about a bumblebee and a fairy. I constantly was reading anything I could get my hands on and writing during the time I was supposed to be doing school work(yes, I’ve even written during classes before). And so when I reached college and wasn’t happy with my major, I took a step back and realized what I do love is writing so why not make a career out of it! From there, I changed my major and the rest is history.

Current music: Coastline Hollow Coves


If you weren’t a writer what would you be doing?

Oh, I have so many ideas I don’t know where I would begin! I think I would be traveling a lot more and even have a rental house somewhere by a coastline. I would love to build up my personal library with great works of fiction and collect art as it is an inspiration point for me. I would also love to find and eat some great food from around the globe.

I hope you enjoyed this “about me” and found something insightful or inspiring from it. If you would like to contact me, you can head over to the Contact Bridget page for all of that information.